Naruto City grants permission to use the images provided on this site, provided that users comply with the terms of use.
1. Purpose of Use
The images posted on this site are provided free of charge for use by media representatives, travel agencies, companies, individuals, etc. for public relations activities aimed at promoting tourism in Naruto City.
2. Copyright
The images posted on this site are copyrighted by Naruto City or have been approved by the copyright holder. Reproduction, duplication, sale, rental, or other use without the permission of Naruto City is prohibited.
3. Image Modification
⑴ In principle, editing or processing should be kept to a minimum and any processing unrelated to the purpose of promoting tourism should be prohibited.
⑵ Please avoid using the image in a way that significantly damages the original impression of the photograph, such as by reducing the image quality through enlargement.
⑶ The subject may differ from the actual situation depending on the time of shooting, etc. Please use it as an image.
4. Prohibited acts
⑴ Use that goes against public order and morals.
(2) Producing and selling items whose commercial value depends on the image material itself (postcards for sale, calendars for sale, digital data collections, etc.)
(3) Use on labels, packaging, etc. of individual products (drinks, sweets, souvenirs, etc.).
(4) Using the images in a material collection for the purpose of distribution, or in a mailing list or e-mail newsletter that sends a large number of identical e-mails.
⑸ Any other matter that Naruto City deems inappropriate.
5. Disclaimer
Use of the images is at the user's own risk. Naruto City assumes no responsibility for any damage or disadvantage caused by the use of the images.
6. Personal Information
Regarding the use of personal information of users, this site will not disclose or make public personal information if it becomes necessary to use the information beyond the purpose of collection or to disclose or provide it to a third party, except when the individual has given consent or when the site administrator deems it particularly necessary.