Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture, is the eastern gateway to Shikoku, and is connected to the Kansai region by the Onaruto Bridge and the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge. Naruto City has both sea and mountains, allowing you to enjoy a diverse range of nature. There are also plenty of tourist attractions, including the Naruto whirlpools, one of the world's three largest tidal currents, the Awa Odori dance, and the pilgrimage route! This article introduces a must-have Naruto itinerary for those coming to Shikoku from the Kansai area. Enjoy the unique charms of Naruto, including a tour of the whirlpools, the Awa Odori dance, and a short pilgrimage experience! The Naruto Awa Odori dance is held for three days every year, from August 9th to 11th, so some of the courses are only available for a limited time.
2024.11.20Day 1: 10 hours Day 2: 2 hours
Every year from August 9th to 11th, the Naruto City Awa Odori Festival takes place! The town of Naruto is engulfed in a frenzy of excitement, with the area around JR Naruto Station as the stage. Before the dance, relax in a foot bath. For more details about the event, please see the official Naruto Awa Odori website.
Naruto City Awa Dance Official Website
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